Took a flight from Krabi to Bangkok. It takes 10 hours by coach, and 1 hour by plane. The cost difference is about £20. The coaches in Thailand are not comfortable, or about as comfortable as aircraft seats!!
In Bangkok caught a local bus from the airport to the nearest 'sky train' station, and on into the city proper. Bangkok has a good, integrated transport system. The above city sky train, the underground, buses, and of course the river boats.
Looking at the map we thought the distance from the nearest station to where we were staying would take about 30 minutes to walk. Not so, it took us almost 2 hours!! A distance of several miles. (The map was not to scale, just pretended to be) Still, it gave us an appetite, lol. Why didn't we get a taxi or tuk tuk you may ask. Well, it was rush hour and we were walking quicker than the traffic. Besides, Yvonne insisted that Mike needed the exercise.
Got to our 'home stay', and very nice too. Run by nice people, comfortable, good breakfast, and just up from pier 15 (Thewet), so can catch a boat ride easily to the markets etc. Cost is 15 baht (30p) no matter how far you go. Ticket lasts until you get off the boat.
There are literally thousands of catfish that come to be fed at the pier. You buy left over bread or fish pellets, a big bag for 20 baht, and then watch as the river at the end of the pier boils with fish in a feeding frenzy. People don't eat the fish from their own pier, but will eat fish caught from a different one.
Went to an illusionist gallery, see what you think of the pictures.... Got there by using the underground. When we got to the street level it was throwing it down. A real tropical storm!
Had another of the those strange night calls of 'fuk ewe'.. Turns out to be a thing that looks like a squirrel and not a bird after all.
This is our last night in Thailand. Tomorrow we return to Birmingham, via Heathrow.
Impression of South Thailand is one of overall disappointment. They seem intent on over milking the money cow; killing the goose that laid the golden egg. Moving away from the land of smiles, towards the land of rubbing hands together, but to be fair, it is the 'high' season, and so much more expensive.
Enjoyed the North of Thailand much more...
One thing for sure, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia are all up and coming, Thailand had better watch out!!
Leave you with some photos. Yvonne shopping; on Time Magazine; yoga practice; the path and road after storm; feeding catfish; boat engine.