Arrived in Jaisalmer. Staying at 'Dylan Cafe & Guest House.'
Good big room with two outside windows and a balcony, separate toilet and shower. £3.50 a night, I know, I know extravagant!!
Went on a camel safari. Taken 40 km into the desert, by jeep, where we pick up a couple of camels (Lula and kula, both male) and a guide. Then ride camels for a couple of hours, about 10 km, into sand dunes. Mike has the grumbly one with lots of scars from fighting other camels. Set up camp, which means put a blanket on the sand!!
Collect some wood, make a fire and guide then cooks a potato, cauliflower, onion, tomato and chilli curry, with rice and chapati.
Watch sunset. Then it is dark. Time to relax. At 7.30 pm it starts to rain! We are on top of one blanket and under another. After a while rain stops and dung beetles come out to play, collecting fresh camel dung. Lots of them! There is a lot of dung!
Clouds depart and we are left with a spectacular display of stars. No light or indeed sound pollution. Time to sleep. Yvonne woken by dog attempting to steal our day sack which contains some biscuits, says 'shoo', dog obliged...
One more animal joins us, a lone scorpion.
Wake up at 5 am and watch the sky light up over the hour. Chai is served. Followed by breakfast of hard boiled eggs and toast. At 8.15 am the Jeep turns up and we make our way back to Jaisalmer.
Leave you with some pictures.
Amazing xx