Caught the train from Amritsar to Hardiwar on route to Rishikesh. Place made famous by the Beatles in the 60's for its ashrams and yoga. Now even more famous for its white water rafting.
We brought the train ticket in Mcleod Ganj. Only class left was 1st class. Could not understand why it was so cheap at £6 each (well cheaper for over 60's) lol, and this for a 700km journey overnight. Leaving at 10.15 pm and arriving at 7.40 am.
Well, not a/c but two fans attached to ceiling, two berth cabin. A lockable door, bars on the open window. Had to turn the fans off as brushes were so worn that we feared they would melt. Once the train got moving there was a cool breeze.
Can tell when the train is in a station, a strong smell of urine. The men jump from the platform onto the track and then take a piss while facing the platform. Don't know why, there are adequate, reasonably maintained toilets in the station, and using the urinals is free. 5rp for a crap, bring your own paper.
The public bus we took previously with the hard suspension had caused some back pain due to transmission of every bump using the human spine as a shock absorber.
Trains are the same, hard suspension. Non of your namby pamby european suspension for smooth journey. On no sir, we are providing you with authentic whole sensory experience, a journey of the body and mind!!
However, the bumps and swaying transmit through the firm mat of the bunk, sort of like a vibrating table or mat. After a while it unknots all the niggardly aches and pains. Both of us had a few hours sleep. Back now as good as new!
Now in Rishikesh. Seema's guest house. £2.50 for a double room per night, with separate toilet and shower. Clean and tidy. In the 'High Bank', which is a couple of km from Rishikesh. Nice and quiet. Going to see about a bit of rafting tomorrow.
Leave you with a picture of Yvonne in her bunk, and Mike in his.
Next post 'How to get a bad back'.
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