Friday, 17 October 2014

City Life

Well, been in Phnom Penh five nights, four days. Very hectic, grid street layout, not very pedestrian friendly, although the promenade is a nice walk.

Went to the national museum, a kind of mish mash collection of Cambodian stone carvings of Buddhism and Hindi deities, although the gardens were very nice!

Day two went to one of the killing fields just outside the city. There are over 300 known killing fields in Cambodia. We took one photograph of the memorial, which contains the skulls of some of the victims.

Then to the 'Tuolsleng' museum. Before Pol Pot it was a school. The Khmer Rouge turned into a torture camp, renamed the infamous 'Security Prison S21'. Only 7 survived!!

The following day was 'shop until you drop'. The Russian market, which sells everything you can think of. Very low roof giving a closed, claustrophobic atmosphere. Everything packed together, very close passages. Didn't buy anything!!

Then to the Central Market, housed in an art Deco building of the 1930's. Big, airy, high vaulted ceilings, a complete contrast. Yvonne brought a pair of cotton trousers for a couple of quid.

Then to the Night Market, where we had dinner from the street food vendors. We sat on carpets in the market square to eat our meal. Yvonne brought a pair of cotton trousers for a couple of quid, well more shorts than trousers.

Michael eventually made it to a street side bar and had a couple of well earned beers!!

Tomorrow (Sunday) we catch a VIP bus, ha ha ha, to Kep, on the coast, famous for its crabs (the eating kind!!)

Leave you with some photos... Its dusty in Phnom Penh. Memorial, full of skulls. Art Deco Central Market. On the promenade. Dinning alfresco. 

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